19 Jan 2009

Car Accident

Really been a long time..
that day a friend asked me why I didn't update my blog..
just a reason : lazy

today i'm gonna post a 'kau kau li' de post ..

actually i'm sitting in Sunway college's library..
why i have not enter the class?
because i'm late, takut nanti kena dance infront of the class..T.T
why i'm late?
because yesterday i slept at 3+ a.m
why ?
because I couldn't sleep, got a lot of worries
because of my carelessness, i met a car accident.

The only word I can say is SORRY.

Sorry wen wei & bao er - both of u must be very shocked, and I'm vry vry vry sorry.
Sorry my dad & my family - thanks for helping me & take care everything for me which had case u'all a lot of trouble!
Sorry the kind malay couple - because of me, both of u dont have a car to use, it must be causing u a lot of trouble, and i'm really really really sorry.
Sorry for the other people who involved in.

There's a lot of ppl that I have to say sorry to.
Ya, I'm the troublr maker.


By the time my car bang into the divider and the Wira..
the scent in my eyes is like ... the scent u hav seen in movie..
the time is like ... stopped
after the crash & bang thing, the first thing i thought about is SHIT! then F***!!
when the Wira driver talk to me, I can only think about one word.
then my kepala pening pening~ my heart beat really unnormal~

really hard for me to describe ..
I think wen wei will post the details one..

Thanks for everything and Sorry for everything.

3 Jan 2009


好啦!别痴心妄想了 (等"脸书") !
我已经开了个fs a/c

Add me ! comments too! :p

Langkawi 后。。。

Langkawi 回来后的一天一又去了 Kuala Selangor 两天一夜,
虽说是gathering 不过又像是参加她们家庭的Chrismas Party ...


31/12那天也有lau我爸爸开一只红酒,不果他讲我变alcoholic 喔~ 拍拍屁股走人

重点是 自从26/12开始我就一直 闭关 了。。。
凌晨 4,5 点才睡,下午2, 3 点起床。(我的生理时钟很准下的)
这么多天了,都是,起身-看戏-打羽毛球-玩The Sims-睡觉。(还有吃东西和上厕所啦)

都不懂friendster有什么好玩,一整天都在view 别人的photos, 唉!
不过听说friendster upload photos 很快下的,所以就请她帮我开个户口,哈!

